Welcome to POAF
To all our Friends and Supporters of Peace Officers’ Angels Foundation
Welcome to Peace Officers’ Angels Foundation.
Peace Officer’s Angels Foundation (POAF) is a Texas organization that assists critically injured peace officers and their families.
Our brave men and women protect and serve their communities every day. It’s important that we help them in their time of need.
POAF does not have any employees nor pays a salary to our board members.
At POAF, our mission is to assist not only financially, but with emotional support. We understand besides physical pain after a serious injury officers also struggle with emotional and financial challenges. The psychological injuries they experience can hurt more than their physical injuries.
As a mother of a fallen officer killed in the line of duty, I understand why it’s important that we look behind the badge. Men and women who serve and protect, but who are also our friends, family, and neighbors as we all raise family’s side by side in our communities.
An officer is an officer no matter what agency they work for, from the big city to small rural communities and we will always be there for them.
“Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them.”- Proverbs 3:27

Peace Officer’s Angels Foundation was founded in memory of Corporal Rick Barreda, DFW Airport motor and SWAT officer killed in the line of duty on 02-14-97.